Make It Rain

An 8-week coaching journey to get support in making a meaningful impact and thriving collaborations

next cohort starts on April 2nd | drop-in sessions on February 20th and March 26th


  • Join an 8-week coaching program for purposeful changemakers

  • Tuesdays 6pm CET/12pm EST/9am PST, starting April 2nd

  • Overcome challenges, and take consistent purpose-driven action

  • Connect with like-minded peers, gain accountability

  • Designed for justice oriented artists, activists, entrepreneurs, and community organizers

  • Embrace principles like partnership, belonging as a baseline, and iterative action

  • Create tangible change with supportive coaching and peer interactions

  • Bi-weekly group and peer support sessions, plus one-on-one coaching

  • Led by experienced coaches Jocelyn Ames and Jonas Gröner

The calling - what this is about

The challenges of our times are immense and many of us feel the call to be of service to something larger than ourselves.

We see possibilities for a more thriving local economy, more regenerative environmental policies, a better connected neighbourhood, a more holistic education system, how to leverage tech for easier collaboration, a more authentic way to relate to one another at work or at home, new forms of co-living and sharing resources…

What are you being called to do right now?

While we’re deeply excited about this question, we also know it can be a daunting and deeply vulnerable exploration into action.

It may seem as though we need to do everything at once, get it right the first time, know exactly each step of the way, be the expert, sideline other important aspects of our well-being, or sustain an impossible amount of momentum and personal motivation to bring our vision to life.

We too are familiar with these challenges.

And we’ve found that it doesn’t always need to be so hard.

That’s why we’ve created this 8-week coaching program designed to make it easier for you to take consistent action from a place of purpose, with supportive companionship

How can we be of service in healthy relationship with ourselves and others?

We are certain that you have a wealth of experience, skills, and tools waiting to be put into action. This program is intended to help you find your own best way to put them into place and move past your familiar stopping points.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

— Margaret Mead

Our Approach

In our own explorations of creating social change, we’ve been deeply inspired by Microsolidarity. In this program we’ll support you to apply principles like partnership, belonging as a baseline, iterative action and attention to scales and rhythms of community. We believe acts of service are most effective when we’re grounded in resilient structures of belonging and practice.

Jonas’ approach to coaching is highly informed by his training in the ontological coaching model. At the heart of his approach is the belief that everyone has the capacity to make the contribution they are here to make and live a life that is truly meaningful. By seeing what your unique contribution is and anchoring in the meaning of it, you become able to also recognize what has been stopping you from producing results with ease. With Jonas’ support, you’ll learn how to recognize internal stopping points as they come up and shift your focus to what’s more interesting and important to you.

Jocelyn's approach is highly informed by Internal Family Systems and Nonviolent Communication. By offering compassion and empathy she supports you to identify the underlying needs that drive your vision and to find new strategies of meeting those needs when the old ones are not fit for the job anymore.

Both our approaches assume: you are the leader of your own life and you have the answers you need. You might not see them clearly yet, but they are already there, just like the sun is always there, even when it’s cloudy and we can’t see it. We see it as our job to support you in seeing those answers clearly and stepping in to your full power.

I sense that this isn’t like “normal” coaching - together, we’re turning it into something else. What’s happening (I think) is that instead of fixing problems, we’re creating a safe space where we can be ourselves. It seems to help us deal with personal issues, or at least with the whole person if the issues are project- or work-related. I notice the group is changing the way we do things, it’s like an egg that breaks open from the inside. We call it coaching, but really, it’s about understanding that we don’t need to fix things. With the right people around us, we don’t have to rush to find solutions. We can just let things happen naturally without using coaching “tricks”.
— Uta Sievers, former participant

Who is this for?

You’re an artist, activist, facilitator, advocate, researcher, social entrepreneur or community organizer looking for:

  • a regularly held space to connect with your purpose

  • creative strategies and accountability for taking action

  • rhythm and structure to realize your vision

  • inspiration and support with embodying Microsolidarity principles and practices into your project or initiativ

You are passionate about catalyzing tangible change in service of a world that works for all.

In your work, you care about supporting others to self-organise and thrive, as well as making space for your own wellbeing.

You have a sense that solutions for pressing challenges and complex issues need more intentional relationship-building.

Perhaps you’re still navigating what your passion project is, or you’re already knee-deep in a purpose-driven initiative.

Whatever stage of following your calling, if you feel you have one and you want to give it space, this is a place for you.

"If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far go together."

— African Proverb

What you might be longing for in your work

Trust: to rest in knowing that whatever life throws at you and your collaborators, you can stay with the trouble together.

Structure: to rely on a simple structure for your team that makes it easy to connect deeply and support each other.

Interdependence: to contribute your piece of the puzzle in a way that the result is greater than the sum of the system’s parts.

Support: to have a resilient web of relationships that you can rely on when you go to take bold action in service of life.

Clarity: to take the next steps on your path knowing they are deeply rooted in your life’s purpose.

Challenges you might be facing

Doing it on your own: You might be familiar with a daunting, heavy feeling of isolation and responsibility.

Urgency: Sometimes it seems as though you need to do everything at once - you might feel driven but tend to overextend yourself.

Scarcity thinking: Trying to bring about meaningful change requires time, money, physical energy, creativity, relationships etc. - at times you feel under-resourced and struggle to know how to create abundance.

Disconnect: It might be hard to consistently stay present to your truest purpose - sometimes you lose touch with what you know is true about who you are and how you’re showing up to taking bold action.

One of our participants shares his experience with the program

Program Structure

Visioning Session

We’ll kick off our 8-week journey by making space for the energy of vision to come through. In a 90-minute workshop, you’ll get a chance to get crystal clear on your desired outcome for the next 8 weeks and beyond.

Group Coaching

Bi-weekly 90-minute sessions where we’ll support you in moving past your familiar stopping points. Learn through each other’s challenges in an intimate group of max. 12 participants

1:1 Coaching

Two 60-minute sessions with one of us to get further focused support around particular challenges

Access to a community of practice

You’ll be connected with the whole group and us through a group chat platform. Share successes, and challenges or ask for additional support at any time during and beyond the program

Peer Support Calls (optional)

Bi-weekly calls with 1 or more other participant(s) to deepen connection and benefit from additional support between group coaching calls. We’ll provide a minimum structure for these calls and offer some suggestions for peer support practices

Tools and Practices

Over the course of our 8-week journey we will introduce a range of tools, lenses, practices and mental models that we’ve found helpful in our own work as transformational changemakers

The group starts on Tuesday, April 2nd at 6pm CET/12pm EST/9am PST. We’ll meet weekly on Tuesdays until May 28th.

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."

- R. Buckminster Fuller

What does it cost?

We envision a world where everyone has access to the support they need to bring. Our sliding scale reflects that vision by supporting people to participate who could not otherwise do so.

We ask you to choose a payment level that is a stretch, but not a hardship:

500€ if you’re flourishing financially

400€ if you’re living comfortably

300€ if it’s a stretch to be investing in this

If the lowest tier is inaccessible for you at this time, please email and we will gladly do our best to work with you to find a strategy that holds all our needs with care. Payment plans and partial scholarships are two potential possibilities.

Collaborators Discount: As we want to support you to cultivate meaningful relationships in support of your project work, we encourage you to participate together with folks you are (hoping to be) working with. If you join together with one or more collaborators, companions or co-conspirators, we’re happy to offer a 10% discount to all of you (in relation to the payment level of your choice). Simply use the code “collaborators” when buying your ticket.

Caleb Tenenbaum

“Jocelyn & Jonas are awesome! I met them at the 5 day EU microsolidarity summer camp they hosted & I was super impressed with the way they facilitated it. They both offer sincere friendliness, kindness & passion paired with effective structure & clarity. The perfect combo. It felt clear to me that they’re both genuine people with a very strong and practical understanding of the microsolidarity principles and how to apply them in meaningful ways. Jocelyn & Jonas are living the practice.”

Anne-Lorraine Selke

“Jonas & Jocelyn have a graceful, relaxed, playful flow between them as hosts. My experience at their Microsolidarity Summer Camp left me with a deep respect for their capacity to design containers that support collective emergence from a place of relaxed belonging with each other and a curiosity for what they've learned about how to facilitate group experiences that leave participants vibrant, excited and ready to get stuff done!”

Stephen Reid

“Having had the privilege of spending time with both Jonas and Jocelyn in various capacities, I can attest to their skill and dedication in nurturing deep connection and catalyzing meaningful change. Their approach seamlessly blends intuition with action, enabling individuals and groups to unlock their full potential.”

This might not be a fit if…

… you are looking for a training in Microsolidarity. If you are new to Microsolidarity and/or wish to learn more about its principles and practices, we suggest you join a Microsolidarity Practice Program (the next cohort takes place in October just before this group starts), or at least follow the free 4-part introductory videos here.

… you are looking for a fully curated experience. Although we will be drawing heavily on Microsolidarity principles and will likely reference many of the associated practices, our intention for this group is rather to support individuals or collaborators with their live challenges around catalysing tangible change. The group experience and learning will therefore be curated ‘live’ by the topics and challenges that participants bring in, rather than as a pre-designed curriculum of content.

… you are looking for therapy. Although some of our coaching tools are based on Internal Family Systems, this is not a therapy group. The main purpose is less about healing wounds from the past, and more about supporting you across the threshold with the work you are passionate about right now.

… you are looking for consulting. Although we’ll be talking a lot about projects and “world work” we are not primarily here to give you advice. Instead of providing you with our answers to your questions, we are here to support you to see the answers that are already within you clearly.

If you are unsure whether this offering is a fit for you, feel free to reach out via email or book a 15 minute interest chat and we’ll help you to clarify what you’re looking for and whether we can offer that.

Who we are

Jocelyn Ames (she/her)

is a social change facilitator, mediator and therapeutic coach. Within the Microsolidarity Network, she hosts highly participatory online spaces for change-makers and community builders to foster belonging, high quality mutual aid and real-world impact in their field of influence. As a collaborator at The Hum and co-host of the Cultural Catalyst Network, Jocelyn also specialises in facilitating gatherings, intensive residential experiences and trainings for personal and collective transformation. Her background is predominantly in Microsolidarity, Nonviolent Communication, Internal Family Systems and International Development (BA). She lives in Berlin, sourcing out the best icecream in summer and the best saunas in winter. Read more about her at

Jonas Gröner (he/him)

is a community cultivator, coach and facilitator in service of regenerative social change. He’s been working in self-organized contexts from permaculture farms to start-ups, co-ops and non-profits for the past 8 years and is passionate about all things community, local self-organization and collective resilience. Currently the main focus of his work is creating spaces to support people to take action on their vision of community and create a world where all beings can thrive. As a semi-freelancer he does most of his work with Civil Action Network, the Microsolidarity Network and Coaching for Collective Transformation. He lives in Vienna (Austria) from where he likes to venture into the alps to climb mountains or ride his bike. Read more about him at


Full 8 week program

Check out our drop-in Sessions

If you are curious about whether group coaching is the right kind of support for your situation, joining one of our drop-in session is a great way to get acquainted with our way of working. 


  • No, you don’t have to have gone through the MS Practice Program, though it might be a supportive step, as our approach is heavily grounded in Microsolidarity’s basic assumptions and principles, e.g. developing a partnership approach to social change, centering around generating a sense of belonging and trust, working iteratively, valuing networks of mutual aid, and addressing group scale and rhythm in building momentum and community.

  • Coaching is a relational practice in which the coach and coachee (or client) partner to support the coachee to find their own answers to challenges they are facing in following their dreams. A coach can support you to identify self-limiting narratives, to clarify what it is that you really truly care about and to build the skill of making your dreams a reality by consistently taking small steps towards them.

  • Every session ends with you committing to one action that you’re going to take before the next session. This can be very small or more ambitious, depending on where you are starting from. Other than that it helps if you can take a moment on the day of each session to reflect beforehand on how your action from the last session went and what you would like to get support on this time.

  • Jonas’ approach to coaching is highly informed by his training in the ontological coaching model. At the heart of his approach is the belief that everyone has the capacity to make the contribution they are here to make and live a life that is truly meaningful. By seeing what your unique contribution is and anchoring in the meaning of it, you become able to also recognize what has been stopping you from producing results with ease. With Jonas’ support, you’ll learn how to recognize internal stopping points as they come up and shift your focus to what’s more interesting and important to you.

    Jocelyn's approach is highly informed by Internal Family Systems and Nonviolent Communication. By offering compassion and empathy she supports you to identify the underlying needs that drive your vision and to find new strategies of meeting those needs when the old ones are not fit for the job anymore.

    Both our approaches assume: you are the leader of your own life and you have the answers you need. You might not see them clearly yet, but they are already there, just like the sun is always there, even when it’s cloudy and we can’t see it. We see it as our job to support you in seeing those answers clearly and stepping in to your full power.